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The Business Reality Check: Why ignoring the numbers can cost you.


I recently had a coaching call that left me contemplating a common misconception among aspiring entrepreneurs. The individual on the other end of the line had some bold objections when it came to managing the financial aspects of her business. She firmly believed she didn’t need accounting software because she was teetering between business and […]

Avoid Tax Time Stress: 4 quick and easy action steps you can take TODAY!

Avoid tax time stress

Are you tired of the annual tax season frenzy? We get it – and we are here to help! Say goodbye to the stress and welcome a smoother tax season with these four easy hacks: 1. Get Organized: Identify Income and Expenses Sorting out your finances does not have to be a headache. Start by […]

Well, That Was a Major Realization: Balancing Learning and Outsourcing

Balancing Skill Development or Outsourcing

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, entrepreneurs often find themselves faced with a critical decision: Should they invest their time in learning a new skill or outsource the task to save time and effort? It’s a dilemma that requires careful consideration, as the choice can have both short-term and long-term implications for their business. In this […]